Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Looking forward to bio-boosts in India

Well, China is making a big leap in the field of biotechnology and modern medicine. It is planning to make a total output value of $630 billion by the end of the year 2015. This involves modernizing the traditional and old Chinese medicine. India has a rich heritage of traditional medicine. I wonder when the government will wake up and start revolutionizing it..........before it gets lost and loses faith. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scientists have now got to be good videographers

Scientific publications are even more fascinating now. A new journal called JoVE is publishing videos of the research conducted in lab. So if you want to believe science you can go to this journal website and watch the videos. Science is cool but this is even cooler. I am not sure how much effort goes into producing a publishable video, but probably should start thinking of it now.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is an open access book published by the InTech publishing house.With more than 30 different types and subtypes known and many more yet to be classified and characterized, muscular dystrophy is a highly heterogeneous group of inherited neuromuscular disorders. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of muscular dystrophies, genes associated with each subtype, disease diagnosis, management as well as available treatment options. Though each different type and subtype of muscular dystrophy is associated with a different causative gene, the majority of them have overlapping clinical presentations, making molecular diagnosis inevitable for both disease diagnosis as well as patient management. This book discusses the currently available diagnostic approaches that have revolutionized clinical research. Pathophysiology of the different muscular dystrophies, multifaceted functions of the involved genes as well as efforts towards diagnosis and effective patient management, are also discussed. Adding value to the book are the included reports on ongoing studies that show a promise for future therapeutic strategies.